Terms of service

Scope of Service

bkmrkd.it supports the most popular browsers. I’ll keep the site as simple as possible to keep the site compatible with as many browsers as possible, I can't guarantee the site will work on all browsers.

Your rights
  • You can choose to use this site anonymous. The only requirements are payment and a working email address.
  • You have the right to export your bookmarks from the site at any time, subject to reasonable constraints on bandwidth. You can close your account at any time by emailing support@bkmrkd.it
  • Your bookmarks will not be intentionally shown to other users or shared with third parties.
  • Your personal data, email address and identity will not be shared with anyone without your consent.
  • When logged in, you will not be served any third-party content (scripts, cookies, or images).
  • Your data will be backed up regularly, and the backup/restore will be tested regularly.
  • If there is a significant outage, you will receive a full explanation of the circumstances and what measures will be taken to prevent a recurrence.
  • If the site ceases operation, you will receive an opportunity to download your stored data in a format suitable for import into other bookmarking services.
  • You have the right to receive an explanation, and when possible advance warning, if your account is throttled or cancelled for the reasons outlined below.
  • Any new features that affect privacy will be strictly opt-in (none planned or foreseen!).
  • You will be treated with respect and discretion.
Your responsibilities
  • You may not make automated requests to the site more frequently than once every thirty seconds.
  • Posting links with the primary goal of directing traffic to outside sites, or increasing their search engine visibility, will be construed as spam and may result in account cancellation.
  • You must not abuse the site by knowingly posting malicious code, or links to malicious sites, that could harm other users.
  • If you find a security or privacy bug in bkmrkd.it, I ask that you to report it right away by private email.
  • You may not use the site to harass other users.
  • I reserve the right to throttle or close accounts consuming an unreasonable proportion of site resources (thousands of bookmarks per day, for example).